"With too much education, even a brilliant mind can go wrong, to destruction," he said. "Ultimately, inner values are essential."

"It is nearly 10 years since the start of the 21st century, but already much has changed," he said at the gathering, co-hosted by NSU and Broward College. "Now, we should consider that every part of the world is part of me. We still need to educate people that our own interests depend on others' interests."

Stressing the world's ``fundamental oneness,'' he said that ``as soon as we are born on this planet, we have equal rights, every person.'' Many of the world's problems today, he said, ``essentially are our creation. And in the meantime, nobody wants to talk about it. There is too much of a self-centered attitude.''

``Today, one [Osama] bin Laden. If you handle wrong way, the next, 10 bin Ladens and then 100 bin Ladens,'' he said earlier to reporters, echoing themes of his speech. ``If America, a few decades ago, had spent more money on education, health in Afghanistan, Iraq, these areas, I think things today would be different.''

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