Don't Freeze Windhorse into Ice
You should appreciate yourself, respect yourself, and let go of doubt and embarrassment so that you can proclaim goodness and basic sanity for the benefit of others. The self-existing energy that comes from letting go is called windhorse in the Shambhala teachings. Wind is the energy of basic goodness, strong, exuberant, and brilliant. At the same time, basic goodness can be ridden, or employed in your life, which is the principle of the horse. When you contact the energy of windhorse, you can naturally let go of worrying about your own state of mind and you begin to think of others. If you are unable to let go of your selfishness, you might freeze windhorse into ice.
Trungpa Rinpoche
From Shambhala: The Sacred Path of the Warrior Book and Card Set.
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An Immaculate Microscope of Mind
The sitting practice of meditation allows a sense of solidness and a sense of slowness and the possibility of watching one's mind operating all the time. Out of that, a sense of expansion slowly begins to develop and, at the same time, the awareness that you have been missing a lot of things in your life. You have been too busy to look for them or see them or appreciate them. So as you begin to meditate, you become more perceptive. Your mind becomes clearer and clearer, like an immaculate microscope lens.
From "One Stroke" in Dharma Art, pages 98 to 99.
Trungpa Rinpoche
Image, Santiniketan Feb 2007
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The sitting practice of meditation allows a sense of solidness and a sense of slowness and the possibility of watching one's mind operating all the time. Out of that, a sense of expansion slowly begins to develop and, at the same time, the awareness that you have been missing a lot of things in your life. You have been too busy to look for them or see them or appreciate them. So as you begin to meditate, you become more perceptive. Your mind becomes clearer and clearer, like an immaculate microscope lens.
From "One Stroke" in Dharma Art, pages 98 to 99.
Trungpa Rinpoche
Image, Santiniketan Feb 2007
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June 2009
Dear Friends,
It is important to have a good experience of what life is. I have been really lucky to be able to experience both western and eastern cultures and I am so grateful to everyone who has helped me in both cultures. In combination, being in India and the West has been a rich experience that I’ve been privileged to absorb from both sides.
There were times in India when it was hard to accept the destiny. Being treated differently, and feeling apart. But that experience was really good and I so appreciate it.
However, certain media find ways to sensationalize and exaggerate an unusual story. So I hope that what appears in news print is not read and taken too literally. Don't believe everything that is written!
Experience shows that however hard one tries in interviews to sincerely and honestly convey key information, the printed result can tend towards sensationalism to get the most attention.
FPMT is doing a great job and Lama Zopa is an immensely special person - very inspiring and a great yogi.
Personally, my job is to find new ways in which to discover the true nature of our being. There is no separation between myself and FPMT - we are all working together in so many aspects and terrains. Humanity is our office. Besides, I don’t really qualify very much in Buddhist studies, because I didn’t finish them, so working together is the clue.
So I’m trying to find a different way for this future generation. One of the ways is through music, movies and audio-visual techniques. In a movie you can condense so many different stories. You can put in music, you can put in different situations and messages. Even just the sunset can be enough to give you peace to find a moment of meditation in yourself. There are so many different millions of possibilities in movies.
And not just movies, but documentaries actually going somewhere and interviewing people who may have reached a level on their path where they are at peace with themselves, and so much more....!!!
That’s kind of what I’m planning to do. But it is one thing is to plan and another for things to actually happen. So we’re back to mental projections. Butfor now, that’s what I am hoping to do.
Big Love
Em português, clique aqui!
Dear Friends,
It is important to have a good experience of what life is. I have been really lucky to be able to experience both western and eastern cultures and I am so grateful to everyone who has helped me in both cultures. In combination, being in India and the West has been a rich experience that I’ve been privileged to absorb from both sides.
There were times in India when it was hard to accept the destiny. Being treated differently, and feeling apart. But that experience was really good and I so appreciate it.
However, certain media find ways to sensationalize and exaggerate an unusual story. So I hope that what appears in news print is not read and taken too literally. Don't believe everything that is written!
Experience shows that however hard one tries in interviews to sincerely and honestly convey key information, the printed result can tend towards sensationalism to get the most attention.
FPMT is doing a great job and Lama Zopa is an immensely special person - very inspiring and a great yogi.
Personally, my job is to find new ways in which to discover the true nature of our being. There is no separation between myself and FPMT - we are all working together in so many aspects and terrains. Humanity is our office. Besides, I don’t really qualify very much in Buddhist studies, because I didn’t finish them, so working together is the clue.
So I’m trying to find a different way for this future generation. One of the ways is through music, movies and audio-visual techniques. In a movie you can condense so many different stories. You can put in music, you can put in different situations and messages. Even just the sunset can be enough to give you peace to find a moment of meditation in yourself. There are so many different millions of possibilities in movies.
And not just movies, but documentaries actually going somewhere and interviewing people who may have reached a level on their path where they are at peace with themselves, and so much more....!!!
That’s kind of what I’m planning to do. But it is one thing is to plan and another for things to actually happen. So we’re back to mental projections. Butfor now, that’s what I am hoping to do.
Big Love
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Queridos amigos no Darma,
Hoje está muito clara a importância do budismo no enriquecimento da nossa cultura contemporânea. Penso que é especialmente pela influência iluminada de Sua Santidade o Dalai Lama que os ensinamentos atemporais do budismo desafiam e ampliam nossas visões em diferentes áreas, como a ciência, a neurociência, a educação, a economia, a saúde, a medicina e também a própria visão espiritual e o diálogo inter-religioso e intercultural.
Nos próximos dias teremos a oportunidade de ouvir um dos mestres budistas ocidentais mais destacados, filósofo, físico, professor, tradutor e autor muito próximo a Sua Santidade o Dalai Lama. O Centro de Estudos Budistas Bodisatva e o Instituto Caminho do Meio pela segunda vez o trazem até nós em um programa abrangente em várias capitais do país.
Em conjunto com os amigos da Editora Peirópolis, estamos fazendo também o lançamento em língua portuguesa de seu livro Hidden Dimensions (Dimensões Escondidas). Penso que essa obra é um marco, uma referência fundamental em nossa cultura. Desde uma visão ampliada, ficam claros os referenciais estruturadores propostos por Sua Santidade o Dalai Lama, como Responsabilidade Universal e Bom Coração, contribuição original do budismo nesses tempos desafiadores.
Peço que cada um se alegre pela oportunidade de viver momentos tão positivos para a nossa cultura, para nossas vidas e a vida de todos. Essa é a hora de estar junto, de convidar nossos amigos a vir, de modo que possam beneficiar-se pela ampliação das perspectivas filosóficas, visão de mundo e compreensão de si mesmos que esses encontros propiciarão.
Muito carinho e um grande sorriso, do lama Padma Samten.
Alan Wallace no Brasil: veja a programação e inscreva-se!
"Que todos possam participar e que muitos e muitos
seres possam ser beneficiados pelos ensinamentos"
Centro de Estudo Budistas Bodisatva | Instituto Caminho do Meio |
Hoje está muito clara a importância do budismo no enriquecimento da nossa cultura contemporânea. Penso que é especialmente pela influência iluminada de Sua Santidade o Dalai Lama que os ensinamentos atemporais do budismo desafiam e ampliam nossas visões em diferentes áreas, como a ciência, a neurociência, a educação, a economia, a saúde, a medicina e também a própria visão espiritual e o diálogo inter-religioso e intercultural.
Nos próximos dias teremos a oportunidade de ouvir um dos mestres budistas ocidentais mais destacados, filósofo, físico, professor, tradutor e autor muito próximo a Sua Santidade o Dalai Lama. O Centro de Estudos Budistas Bodisatva e o Instituto Caminho do Meio pela segunda vez o trazem até nós em um programa abrangente em várias capitais do país.
Em conjunto com os amigos da Editora Peirópolis, estamos fazendo também o lançamento em língua portuguesa de seu livro Hidden Dimensions (Dimensões Escondidas). Penso que essa obra é um marco, uma referência fundamental em nossa cultura. Desde uma visão ampliada, ficam claros os referenciais estruturadores propostos por Sua Santidade o Dalai Lama, como Responsabilidade Universal e Bom Coração, contribuição original do budismo nesses tempos desafiadores.
Peço que cada um se alegre pela oportunidade de viver momentos tão positivos para a nossa cultura, para nossas vidas e a vida de todos. Essa é a hora de estar junto, de convidar nossos amigos a vir, de modo que possam beneficiar-se pela ampliação das perspectivas filosóficas, visão de mundo e compreensão de si mesmos que esses encontros propiciarão.
Muito carinho e um grande sorriso, do lama Padma Samten.
Alan Wallace no Brasil: veja a programação e inscreva-se!
"Que todos possam participar e que muitos e muitos
seres possam ser beneficiados pelos ensinamentos"
Centro de Estudo Budistas Bodisatva | Instituto Caminho do Meio |
Alan Wallace,
Instituto Caminho do Meio,
Lama Padma Samten,
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