
If you have any doubt about whether you're doing the meditation practice right or wrong, it doesn't matter all that much. The main point is to have honesty within yourself. Just do what you think is best. That is called self-truth. If truth is understood by oneself, then you cannot be persecuted at all, karmically or any other way. You're doing your best, so what can go wrong? Cheer up and have a good time.

Chögyam Trungpa
From "A Dot in the Open Sky," in Great Eastern Sun: The Wisdom of Shambhala, page 23

Reconheça essa infinita variedade
de aparências como um sonho,
Como nada além das projeções da
sua mente, ilusórias e irreais.

O samsara é a sua mente,
o nirvana também é a sua mente,
Todo prazer e toda dor, e todas
as ilusões e enganos não existem em parte alguma senão na sua mente.

Tsele Natsok Rangdrol
Tibet, séc XVII

2009 Sep 14th

US President Barack Obama's emissary, Valerie Jarrett (center) along with US State Department Under Secretary Maria Otero (right) talking to His Holiness the Dalai Lama during their meeting at the latter's residence in Dharamsala this morning.

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