An Aspiration to the Great Perfection

May we gain conviction in the view
wherein samsara and nirvana are the same.
May we have consummate skill in meditation,
a natural flow unaltered, uncontrived.
May we bring our action to perfection,
a natural, unintended, spontaneity.

May we find the dharmakaya,
beyond all gaining and rejection.

Dudjom Rinpoche, Paris 1976
Image, Ailton Krenak
This is Your Brain on Bliss
After 2,000 years of practice, Buddhist monks know that one secret to happiness is simply to put your mind to it.

What is happiness, and how can we achieve it?

Happiness can’t be reduced to a few agreeable sensations. Rather, it is a way of being and of experiencing the world—a profound fulfillment that suffuses every moment and endures despite inevitable setbacks.

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31 Ways to Jump Start the Local Economy

How to make it with less, share more, and put people and the planet first

Build a secure, sustainable economy beginning at home and in your community…

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(pt) "Toda expansão é vida, toda contração é morte. Todo amor é expansão, todo egoísmo é contração. O amor, portanto, é a única lei da vida. O que ama vive, o que é egoísta está moribundo. Portanto, amai pela causa do amor, pois o amor é a única lei da vida."

(en) "All love is expansion, all selfishness is contraction.
Love is therefore the only law of life.
He who loves lives, he who is selfish is dying.
Therefore love for love's sake,
because it is law of life, just as you breathe to live."

Swami Vivekananda
Final de retiro no CEBB Darmata (Relato de Lama Padma Samten em Pernambuco)
Querida sanga,

Ontem foi o final do retiro no CEBB Darmata. O retiro como um todo foi muito bom mas desafiador pois havia praticantes experientes de Recife, Curitiba, litoral de São Paulo, Fortaleza e também alguns que estavam iniciando seus contatos. O retiro tinha por tema o aprofundamento da meditação. A dificuldade foi contemplar interesses tão variados, mas foi possível e todos se alegraram.

Eu fiquei na casa que construí aqui para meus retiros. Sem água encanada, nem luz elétrica, sem fogão a gás, dormindo em esteira de meditação no chão. É uma casa encantadora, bem pequena mas perfeita para esse propósito de retiro isolado em meio a um bosque fechado. Aqui a foto da Denise Barranco cozinhando no fogão a lenha que há lá. A Dê me acompanhou nesse retiro e cuidou da alimentação também.

Lama Samten segue aqui,
Pad Yatra com S.S. Gyalwang Drukpa
Ladakh, Índia - jun/2009

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The LTWA offers you free online buddhist classes

The Library of Tibetan Works and Archives (LTWA) offers daily Buddhist philosophy classes to help people appreciate and understand ‘truth' and help them deal with daily problems. The classes are taught by Geshes who are highly qualified in Buddhist philosophy and have dedicated a major part of their lives to study and practice.

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Transcendental Common Sense

In dealing with a situation, the choice is there already....The way to work with that, in making that choice, is not to go according to your sense of comfort but go according to straightforwardness. If there are two choices, one is ahead of you, right in front of you, and the other choice is slightly off-center. There may be ten or twelve hundred choices, but there is one choice waiting for you on the road. The rest of them are waiting on the side, as sidetracks. It seems that the journey straight ahead is scarier, more frightening. Therefore the other choices waiting on the side become more attractive, like restaurants and drive-in movies on the side of the road. The choice has to be straightforward, based on common sense, basic sanity. Actually it is transcendental common sense.

Trungpa Rinpoche
From "Auspicious Coincidence," in Glimpses of Abhidharma, page 101.
Photo, CEBB Caminho do Meio, Viamão jul/2009.

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