Transcendental Common Sense
In dealing with a situation, the choice is there already....The way to work with that, in making that choice, is not to go according to your sense of comfort but go according to straightforwardness. If there are two choices, one is ahead of you, right in front of you, and the other choice is slightly off-center. There may be ten or twelve hundred choices, but there is one choice waiting for you on the road. The rest of them are waiting on the side, as sidetracks. It seems that the journey straight ahead is scarier, more frightening. Therefore the other choices waiting on the side become more attractive, like restaurants and drive-in movies on the side of the road. The choice has to be straightforward, based on common sense, basic sanity. Actually it is transcendental common sense.
Trungpa Rinpoche
From "Auspicious Coincidence," in Glimpses of Abhidharma, page 101.
Photo, CEBB Caminho do Meio, Viamão jul/2009.
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